Disputed Report from Nakhijevan: Both sides deny attack took place
Disputed Report from Nakhijevan: Both sides deny attack took place –
Armenianow – On Wednesday Azerbaijani media and Russian Regnum agency reported that the Armenian armed forces started an attack in the direction of Lakatagh village of Nakhijevan’s Julfa region. Azeri casualties were reported and residents evacuating.
This news was rejected both by the Armenian Ministry of Defense and by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministries, however the information still is widely circulated.
There is an opinion that with such instigating information Azerbaijan tries to exacerbate the situation on the Armenian-Azeri frontline; it is also supposed that the Azerbaijani side informs about the victims that it had a few days ago around Yeraskh when the Armenian side had two victims.
Political analyst Levon Ter-Shahnazaryan did not specify but said that days ago within a few nights the Armenian side improved its positions in the Nakhijevani section and according to the political analyst today there can be no clashes there.
“By yesterday’s announcement they are probably trying to justify their actions,” Melik-Shahnazaryan told reporters Thursday.
On Wednesday at a parliamentary question and answer session the Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan stated that the state at the frontline is stable but tense.
“We do all possible not to have another center of tension, and now in Nakhijevan. However, our soldiers along the whole borderline with Azerbaijan are prepared to shift from military duty to military actions, and we have perfectly established positions for that,” Ohanyan said.
Melik-Shahnazaryan said that recently shootings became more frequent both on the territory of Armenia and Karabakh than last years; however, both the Armenian and the Azeri sides had fewer casualties this year compared with the previous one.
On Thursday French Ambassador to Armenia, Henry Renault spoke about the unrest in the border saying that it is vital to discharge the tension on the border.
“All interactions, exchange of opinions should take place at a negotiation table, because for the resolution of Karabakh conflict, and any conflict in general, there is no other way but resolution through peaceful negotiations,” said the ambassador.