97 years ago today: Talaat, Enver & Jemal were charged with war crimes by the Turkish court martial

97 years ago today: Talaat, Enver & Jemal were charged with war crimes by the Turkish court martial –

97 years ago today, in June 10, 1919, Grand Vizier (prime minister of the Ottoman Empire) and Minister of the Interior, Mehmed Talaat Pasha (1874–1921), the Minister of War Ismail Enver Pasha (1881–1922), the Minister of the Navy, Ahmed jemal Pasha (1872–1922) and Dr. Nazim were charged with war crimes by the Turkish court martial and were condemned to death in absentia.

 Turkish courts-martial of 1919–20 were courts-martial of the Ottoman Empire that occurred right after the armistice of Mudros during the aftermath of World War I. The leadership of the Committee of Union and Progress and selected former officials were charged with several charges including subversion of the constitution, wartime profiteering, and the massacres of both Armenians and Greeks. The court reached a verdict which sentenced the organizers of the massacres, Talat, Enver, Jemal and others to death.

 Since there were no international laws in place under which they could be tried, the men who orchestrated the genocide escaped prosecution and traveled relatively freely throughout Germany, Italy, and Central Asia. This led to the formation of Operation Nemesis, a covert operation conducted by Armenians during which Ottoman political and military figures who fled prosecution were assassinated for their role in the Armenian Genocide.

 The Turkish courts-martial was forced to shutdown during the resurgence of the Turkish National Movement under Mustafa Kemal. Those who remained serving their sentences were ultimately pardoned under the newly established Kemalist government on 31 March 1923.

Operation Nemesis


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