ANC-ARF-D Delegation Held a Phone Conversation with Russian Ambassador to Canada, HE Alexander Darchiev
On Friday, October 2, a delegation of the Armenian National Committee and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun, led by ARF Bureau Chair, Mr. Hagop Der Khatchadourian, held a phone conversation with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Alexander Darchiev to discuss the recent escalation of hostilities in the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict zone.
Mr. Der Khatchadourian was joined by ARF Bureau member, Mr. Raffi Donabedian and Vice-Chairman of the ARF Canada Central Committee, Mr. Saro Der Bedrossian.
During the hour-long conversation, the sides had an informative exchange
on the ongoing hostilities and the destructive role of third parties and foreign mercenaries, including reported involvement of terrorists from Syria and Libya, further exacerbating the situation. The Armenian delegation emphasized that Azerbaijan’s intent on forcing a solution through military aggression should be universally condemned.
The importance of an immediate ceasefire was stressed. It was agreed that war is not an alternative and the Minsk Group format is the only acceptable means of conducting peaceful negotiations.
The ARF delegation condemned Turkey’s destabilizing military involvement
and its breaches of international law and stressed that Armenia, as Russia’s strategic ally in the Caucasus, and Armenians worldwide expect that the Russian Federation would play a proactive and constructive role in ensuring the immediate end
of hostilities.
Both sides emphasized the usefulness of these discussions and the willingness
to continue these productive contacts.