Toronto Mayor Rob Ford visits 18th annual ACC Summerfest

 Toronto Mayor Rob Ford visits 18th annual ACC Summerfest  –

City of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, visited the Toronto Armenian Community Centre’s eighteenth annual Summerfest on Sunday, July 13th.  The mayor spent time to meet with community members of all ages. He then presented a congratulatory plaque to Mr. Varant Marsim, President of the Arminian Community Centre.

After thanking the mayor for supporting the festival, Mr. Marsim reminded the mayor of the armenian community’s frustration and discontent with his lack of support for the Armenian Genocide Monument plan in Toronto. On April 23, 2014, the City of Toronto Executive Council voted to defer to committee a bill proposing to place an Armenian Genocide monument on city property. Mr. Marsim outlined that, ‘the decision, on the eve of the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide was not only an insult to the Armenian community of Toronto, but an insult to Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto, who have all officially recognized the Armenian Genocide.”

Mr. Ford reassured Mr. Marsim that he has always supported the different communities of Toronto and that he will support the Armenian community on this very important issue. The mayor added that the issue is not closed and that once the city staff complete their responsibility, he will work closely with the Armenian community on this matter.  Mr. Ford told Mr. Marsim that the mayor’s office is always open to the community and he would be happy to discuss the monument issue with representatives of the community.

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