World Premiere of ‘Map of Salvation’ to Take Place in LA on March 5

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

World premier of film Map of Salvations to take place at the Paramount Pictures Studios Theater in Hollywood on March 5, 2017

LOS ANGELES—Ten Southern California Civic Organizations have joined hands with the producer of a ground-breaking film to present the Los Angeles World Premiere of “Map of Salvations” on Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 4pm (in English) and at 7pm (in Armenian) at the world-famous Paramount Pictures Studios Theater in Hollywood located at 5515 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, California 90038 (Entrance at the Bronson Gate only).

The Southern California Coalition of Civic Organizations consists of (In alphabetical order), Ararat Foundation (AF); Ararat Home Ladies Auxiliary (AHLA), Armenian American Musical & Theatrical Society (AAMTS), Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA), Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), Arpa Foundation for Film, Music and Art (AFFMA), For A Better Future, Inc. (FABF), Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society (HAECS), Sis Compatriotic & Cultural Society (SCCS), World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU).

The community has come out in force to help the film’s visionary producer present a series of premieres in various U.S. hub-cities as well as in Central and South America (Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and other Latin American countries.

World premiere organizing committees are being formed in many other cities and countries to bring this most unique docudrama feature film to wider audiences and mainstream American, Canadian, and World Media.

The film will also be presented to the diplomatic community; U.S. elected officials and Consuls General of countries that have graciously cooperated in the production of this ground-breaking film: Lebanon, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Turkey, Syria and Armenia.

The film brings into focus the countries that have graciously given shelter to thousands of orphaned survivors of the genocide such as the United States, Lebanon, France, and Canada among many others.

Leading members of the LA community have already joined as Honorary Co-Chairs. The complete names’ list will be published very soon.

Many Armenians in Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Greece, Cyprus, France, Russia, United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, China, and many other parts of the world and their descendants owe their existence to five selfless women, who at the turn of the 20th century, in early 1900’s, left the comfort of their homes and families in various parts of Europe and headed toward unknown horizons in order to look after children in Western Armenia (Ottoman Empire).

MAP OF SALVATION features the inspiring and empowering lives of 27 year-old Dane Karen Jeppe, 24 years-old Estonian Anna Hedvig Buhl, 33-year-old Norwegian Bodil Katharine Biorn,  25-year-old Dane Maria Jacobsen and 21 year-old Swede Alma Johansson.

For more info and tickets contact: or 818.265.0506; or 818.538.4911 and Gampr Films at 818.930.3220. A portion of the proceeds will go to Syrian Armenian relief and charitable projects in Armenia-Artsakh.

The film’s trailer can be watched below.

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