UNESCO to mark 100th anniversaries of Charles Aznavour and Sergei Parajanov

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

During the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference held in Paris on November 7-22, a decision was adopted to include the 100th anniversaries of Charles Aznavour and Sergei Parajanov in the UNESCO Calendar of anniversaries of eminent personalities and important events for the 2024-2025 cycle, the Armenian Foreign Ministry reported.

The applications were submitted by Armenia jointly with partner countries, having received significant support from a number of member countries and a group of countries. In particular, the application for the 100th anniversary of famous French singer, composer and actor Charles Aznavour was submitted jointly by Armenia and France with the support of Andorra, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Senegal and a UNESCO group of francophone ambassadors, which includes more than 80 members. The application for the 100th anniversary of famous filmmaker Sergei Parajanov was submitted jointly by Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, receiving the support of Cyprus, France, Italy, Lebanon and Poland.

Since 1998, twenty-five anniversaries submitted by Armenia have been included in the UNESCO Calendar of anniversaries of eminent personalities and important events.

Two anniversaries submitted Armenia were included in the 850th death anniversary of Nerses IV the Gracious and the 100th anniversary of the National Cinema Center of Armenia.