Garo Paylan vows to continue fight for achieving recognition of Armenian Genocide

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

Only democratic Turkey can recognize the Armenian Genocide, Garo Paylan – ethnic Armenian lawmaker of the Turkish parliament, said during his speech at the 6th ArmeniaDiaspora PanArmenian Forum in Yerevan on September 19, reports Armenpress

“We have a wound which is still incurable, and we know that this wound will be healed only in this country – in Turkey, Anatolia. Only democratic Turkey can recognize the Armenian Genocide, only democratic Turkey can open the Armenian-Turkish border. If Turkey doesn’t become democratic, we can wait for decades. Do we have a right to transfer this issue to our future generation? No, we have no right. We know well, and for four generations we are fighting for the injustice faced by our grandfathers and fathers to have a fair solution”, he said.

Garo Paylan said a great crime took place in the Ottoman Empire 102 years ago, and now that crime also continues since when a crime remains unpunished new ones are following it. “I believe we will achieve justice one day when the Armenian Genocide is recognized and I will continue fighting for that”, Garo Paylan said.

Paylan said he together with his party members has fought for decades for establishing democracy in Turkey. “In reality, the fight for democracy is very difficult. And over the past two years we saw that nationalism wins easier. Erdogan also saw this, and unfortunately, he moved on this path”, he said.

Paylan stated that the new Constitution of Turkey, which switched the country to presidential system, in fact serves for implementation of the goals of one person. “I have said in the Turkish parliament that a great mistake took place. I was opposed. 104 years ago the same happened in the Ottoman Empire. Talaat and Enver Pashas brought new Constitution after the revolution, and those people who were against it had two options – to stay silent or fight. The Armenian Genocide started and within a decade 4 nations – Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians and Jews, were massacred. And now in the circumstances of Turkey’s new Constitution we can face the same catastrophe. Even today, unfortunately, we are facing it”, he said.

The lawmaker said the Republic of Turkey was found without facing the Armenian Genocide. According to Paylan, the state, which has not paid for its crimes 100 years later, will continue committing a crime.


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