ARS Montreal «Sosse» Chapter’s Annual Bazaar

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

This year, once again, the Armenian Relief Society Montreal “Sosse” chapter was able to hold its traditional annual bazaar, on November 12, 13 2022 at the Homenetmen Gamk “Haig Markarian” gymnasium at the Montreal Community Center.

The official opening ceremony took place on the morning of Saturday, November 13, with the ARS anthem. Amongst the guests present at the opening, were His Grace Archbishop Souren Kataroyan, Very Rev. Hagop Yaacoubian. Father Karnig Koyounian, ARS Central Executive Board’s Canada representative ungerouhi Arminée Karabetian, ARS Canada Regional Executive Board’s chairperson ungerouhi Lucine Palandjian and members, chairperson of ARS Laval “Shushi” chapter ungerouhi Nelly Barsemian as well as representatives of sister organizations, members, volunteers and friends. We also had the pleasure to have amongst us ungerouhi Sona Lakhoyan Olivier, Member of the National Assembly of Quebec, ungerouhi Vana Nazarian, City Counselor, Côte-de-Liesse district, Effie Giannou, City counsellor, Ahuntsic-Cartierville district, and ungerouhi Mary Deros, City Councilor Ensemble Montreal.

In her opening remarks, ARS Montreal “Sosse” chapter’s chairperson ungerouhi Houry Zakarian, welcomed the guests, participants and volunteers. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the ARS annual bazaar, ungerouhi Zakarian mentioned the hard work the ARS members have accomplished throughout the years while successfully accomplishing milestones within the Armenian Community. She thanked the elder members for devoting their time and becoming exemplary role models to the younger generation.

She thanked the members of the bazaar committee and the members of the social committee for their perseverance, cooperation and solidarity, which contributed to the success of the bazaar. Additionally, she acknowledged all the donors, sponsors and volunteers who have supported the organization’s mission throughout many years and continue to stand by the organization under the current situation. Ungerouhi Zakarian noted the contribution of younger members who worked alongside experienced members and learned from their knowledge and skills during this tremendous task.

Ungerouhi Zakarian presented a brief biography of the bazaar’s godmother, ungerouhi Sylva Sylik, who was once one of the members in our Chapter’s first executive committee in 1957, and congratulated her for over 60 years of service within the organization through her active participation.

Then, His Grace Archbishop Souren Kataroyan conveyed his heartfelt words and blessed those present with a fatherly prayer. The bishop praised the devotion and sacrifice of dedicated ARS members, always ready to lend a helping hand and serve communities in need.

The opening ceremony ended with a cutting of a cake to congratulate all members and their hard work and devotion throughout the 60 years.

The 2022 bazaar offered a variety of homemade goods, Christmas decorations, Armenian handmade items and gifts. As every year, our volunteers and members contributed towards the preparation of traditional Armenian meals such as mante, sarma, boereg, tetoumi anoush and a variety of homemade desserts. During the duration of the bazaar, we projected archived pictures of members participating who have contributed their time and skills for the preparation of the event.

As our tradition, all of the funds from the bazaar will be donated to Sourp Hagop Armenian School in Montreal.

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