Armenia’s permanent population is 2,928,914, census results show
(Armradio) – The permanent population of the Republic of Armenia is 2,928,914, according to the preliminary results of the census released by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia.
For the first time in Armenia, the census was conducted using a combined approach.
The 2022 October census was conducted on the basis of the data from the Armenian State population register, combined with the data of the Border Management Information System (BMIS) and the data from households living in 25 percent selected addresses.
The number of the permanent population includes the sum of the numbers of the population permanently (usually) residing in Armenia and present at the time of enumeration and temporarily absent at the time of enumeration. The number of temporary absences includes persons permanently (usually) residing in Armenia, but absent for a period of up to one year at the time of the census, the Statistical Committee said.
The current population, according to the census, is 2,638,917. This number “includes the sum of the number of the population permanently (usually) residing in Armenia and present at the time of enumeration and temporarily present at the time of enumeration. The number of temporary present people includes persons who are in Armenia for no more than one year at the time of the census and persons who do not live permanently in Armenia.”
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