ARF Canada Central Committee Statement

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

Dear Compatriots,

On this 109th anniversary, while we honour the memory of those who perished during the Armenian Genocide, our enemies have tainted our solemn commemoration by once again resorting to violence and brutality through its genocidal rhetoric against the Armenian people, unfounded claims against Armenia’s sovereignty, and egregious human rights violations against the indigenous Armenian population of Artsakh.

As descendants of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide, we carry the burden of generational trauma, our yielding quest for recognition, and our inalienable right of return. It is through the tireless efforts of our Armenian National Committees that we can claim significant achievements to our noble cause.
We must recognize that Artsakh’s right to return relies entirely on our unwavering dedication and resilience. We must remain steadfast and resolute in promoting the fundamental right to self-determination for the people of Artsakh and the territorial integrity of our nation, from Tavush to Syunik.

Let us persevere together, united in our resolve, standing firm in defense of the Armenian homeland until justice prevails and Armenians can once again thrive on their ancestral land.

ARF Central Committee of Canada