20th Anniversary of the Armenian Embassy in Canada
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20th Anniversary of the Armenian Embassy in Canada –
Dear friends,
20 years ago today the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Canada opened its doors.
On March 1, 1995, the newly-independent Armenia established the Embassy in Canada, in the second wave of the opening of Armenian diplomatic representations throughout the world, which was an important milestone in Armenian-Canadian relations.
At first the Embassy was situated in a small office space on Albert Street – Business Centre of Ottawa. In a short while, however, with the support of Armenian benefactors from USA and Canada, the current building of the Embassy was bought and renovated. The new premises were located on the UNESCO designated World Heritage site of Rideau Canal, on 7 Delaware Avenue. The building itself, built in 1908, received a Heritage Designation status from the city of Ottawa on the 100th anniversary of its foundation and now, during Ottawa’s Open Doors days, we receive hundreds of visitors, who get acquainted with the history of Armenia, as well as the Embassy.
We have gone a long way in these twenty years; had both, successes and obstacles on our way. But I can state today, that Armenian-Canadian relations are on a high level. The increasing number of mutual visits leaves a positive footprint on our bilateral relations. The Canadian authorities show understanding of Armenian positions, its political and economic situation and that creates an opportunity for frank dialogue and helps us to move towards stronger and even more comprehensive relations.
We are grateful to Canada for the recognition of Armenian Genocide on legislative and executive levels. We are grateful as well for Canada’s continuous efforts towards prevention of genocide, an embodiment of which is the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg, that has an exhibition dedicated to one of the most heinous crimes against mankind – the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian-Canadian economic relations are on the rise, as well. If during the first decade of the establishment of Armenian Embassy trade relations were limited to the mining industry, today we have cooperation in High Technologies, jewelry, textiles, meat products, real estate and others. The scope of trade and economic relations will be expanding and it will be more diverse and comprehensive in the future.
In 2008 my country embarked on a very important mission to become a full member of International Organization of la Francophonie, which was accomplished in 2012. As Canada’s Minister for la Francophonie Bernard Valcourt stated in his congratulatory message “Canada fully supported Armenia’s candidacy to become an associate member of l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie at the Québec Summit in 2008. We are now happy to welcome Armenia as a full member.
Armenia has demonstrated its commitment to the values and objectives of the organization in education and science, as well as in the artistic, media and cultural arenas.”
In general, our two countries have registered great understanding and mutual support in the international arena.
I must express my gratitude to the Armenian community of Canada. Canadian-Armenians are the bridge, which connects our two nations. Iconic figures like Yousuf Karsh, Atom Egoyan, Arsinée Khandjian, Peter Oundjian, Isabel Bayrakdarian and others are the pride of both nations. Armenians of Canada, who are deeply integrated into the community and are exemplary citizens of this country, keep the good name of Armenians high on the other side of the ocean and immensely contribute to the development of Armenian-Canadian relations. During these two decades we have always felt your support, your longing for the Fatherland and the constant desire to help Armenia. In this regard we are grateful to the Armenian organizations and unions of Canada.
Dear friends,
I am sure, that in the decades to come we will achieve new heights in the Armenian-Canadian relations.
I am attaching to my address a press release on the establishment of the Armenian Embassy, disseminated 20 years ago by the first Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, Garnik Nanagulian.
Armen Yeganian
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of Armenia to Canada