250 families return to Kessab

250 families return to Kessab –


Following the Syrian Army’s sweeping victory against the armed groups in the major town of Kassab in Lattakia countryside, 250 families returned Monday to their houses, SANA agency reports.

A source in Lattakia told the agency that the basic services would be back into the town during three days to mend what has been destroyed.

Governor of Lattakia Province, Ahmad Sheikh Abdul-Qader, called on all establishments concerned to speed up the process of rehabilitating the infrastructure in the city.

In a tour accompanied by an official delegation, the governor inspected the situation of the mostly Armenian-populated Kassab city and the damage caused to the infrastructure due to the acts of the armed terrorist groups.

In a statement to reporters, the governor stressed that all basic services will be back to the city within 3 days after repairing what has been damaged by the armed terrorist groups.

For his part, Mayor of Kassab, Waskin Jabrian, said that 250 displaced families have returned to the city while the others are still waiting for repairing the infrastructure.

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