SARF Delivers Another $100K for Syrian Armenians


SARF Delivers Another $100K for Syrian Armenians –

Glendale, Calif. (June 12, 2014).- As the war rages on in Syria, the calls for help are reaching donors, whose contributions raised another $100,000 for the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF). With the latest transfer, the total SARF contributions for Syrian Armenians reached one million dollars.
“Thanks to the caring, compassionate and highly responsible spirit of our donor public, we have reached this milestone,” said Zaven Khanjian, SARF Executive Committee Chairperson. He added, “As we cannot reach each individual donor personally, we take this opportunity to salute every one of them around the nation who contributed from $5 to $25,000.”
The latest donations included two $10,000 donations. One was from the European-based family of the late Dr. Iskandar Kassis of Aleppo; the other was from Dr. Noubar Ouzounian, and ENT-otolaryngologist in Anaheim, Calif.
Even before we can comprehend the full impact of the losses in Kessab, and as the Nor Kyough neighborhood of Aleppo braces for more bombs, the Armenians of Mosul in Iraq had to run for their lives and the cycle of violence continues echoing the struggles of those who survived the Armenian Genocide.
It is unbearable for all to watch the demise of the Mother Diasporan community at the onset of the Genocide Centennial. As a community far away from the delivery of help to those affected by the crisis, it lifts our spirits, when we hear the stories of courage and optimism that emanate from evacuation centers. Our community members need to do their part to get involved to support solutions to the crisis, because financial assistance is only a stop-gap measure to sustain the effected communities.
Thank you for all your contributions. Please continue to give and to share your blessings. Send your check to SARF: P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209-1948; or donate on-line at
The following churches, charities and organizations came together to form the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund in August 2012: Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North America; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Western Diocese of the Armenian Church; Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America; Armenian General Benevolent Union; Armenian Missionary Association of America; Armenian Relief Society of Western U.S.A.; Armenian Democratic Liberal Party; Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Western U.S.A.; and Social Democrat Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A. 


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