Freedom House rates Armenia, Karabakh as ‘partly free’
Freedom House rates Armenia, Karabakh as ‘partly free’ –
The state of freedom declined for the eighth consecutive year in 2013, according to Freedom in the World 2014, Freedom House’s annual country-by-country report on global political rights and civil liberties.
Particularly notable were developments in Egypt, which endured across-the-board reversals in its democratic institutions following a military coup. There were also serious setbacks to democratic rights in other large, politically influential countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Venezuela, and Indonesia.
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh climbed from 6 to 5 to have ‘partly free’ rating.
Azerbaijan’s civil liberties rating declined to ‘not free’ from 5 to 6 due to ongoing, blatant property rights violations by the government in a year in which the state also cracked down on the opposition and civil society in advance of presidential elections.
Read the full report here: in the World 2014 Booklet.pdf