Champagne: Canada continues to support Armenian people with whom we share strong ties

We have taken note of the establishment of a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh [(Artsakh)]. We are working with our international partners to examine the terms and implications of this latest development. Canadian Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne has noted this in a statement he released Wednesday.

“We expect the commitments made by Azerbaijan to be strictly respected and the hostilities to cease permanently without delay. As we mentioned before, Turkey must remain outside of the conflict,” he added.

“I have been in regular contact with the Armenian Foreign Minister to see how Canada can continue to support the Armenian people during this most difficult time and with whom we share strong people to people ties and values,” Champagne said.

“All parties must negotiate to achieve a permanent and peaceful settlement, beyond the ceasefire announced yesterday and through the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs process,” the Canadian FM stated.


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