Azerbaijan continues mobilizing troops and military equipment along contact line

POLONEZ multiple launch rocket system

ARMENPRESS – The Defense Ministry of Artsakh informs that during the recent days active moves and mobilization of Azerbaijani troops and military equipment can be noted in different sections of Artsakh-Azerbaijan contact line. ARMENPRESS reports the statement issued by the Defense Ministry of Artsakh reads as follows,

“In the recent period the Azerbaijani side demonstrates evident activity in the information field that is manifested by the spread of various sorts of misinformation and abundance in propagandistic footages.  With the main goal to present the “achievements” of their armed forces “properly” to the domestic and external audiences, official Baku first started to circulate ungrounded information about the alleged liberation of 11 thousand hectares in section of Nakhichevan, and then posted on the internet the footage of using POLONEZ multiple launch rocket system and Israeli-made LORA long-range artillery system.

Parallel to this informational propaganda active moves and mobilization of Azerbaijani troops and military equipment can be noted in different sections of Artsakh-Azerbaijan contact line in the recent days.

Defense Army front line units watchfully follow the activities of the adversary and take necessary actions stemming from the situation”.


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