Regional council of Italy’s Basilicata recognizes Armenian Genocide

Regional council of Italy’s Basilicata recognizes Armenian Genocide –

PanARMENIAN – The regional council of BasilicataItalyon Tuesday, September 27 recognized the Armenian Genocide, expressing condolences to the Armenian people.

The resolution was introduced by independent MP Aurelio Pace upon the request of the Armenian community.

The document affirms that the fact of the Genocide has been recognized by a number of organizations, including the Turkish Military Tribunal in 1919.

Also, the resolution cites the need to raise public awareness especially among the youth about the massacres perpetrated against the Armenian people to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future.

Basilicata council is the 108th local government body to adopt such a resolution in Italy, while the country itself has recognized the Genocide back in 2000. Denial of genocides is criminalized in the European republic, it stipulates 3-year imprisonment and a fine.

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