Levon Mnatsakanyan: Possibility of resumption of military actions high

Levon Mnatsakanyan: Possibility of resumption of military actions high –

Armradio – The probably of resumption of military actions is high, NKR Defense Minister, Colonel General Levon Mnatsakanyan said in an interview with Regnum agency.

“The behavior of the rival allows to conclude that it has not completely refused from its plans. Therefore, the resumption of military actions is possible any time in the future,” the Minister said.

He added, however, that “the April war has somewhat restrained the rival.” “This can be seen in their statements. Before they were declaring they would win the war in three days, while now they refrain from such rhetoric,” Colonel General Levon Mnatsakanyan said. He voiced hope the Azeri side would completely refuse from its intentions.

Speaking about Azeri threats to hit capital Stepanakert and civilian objects from Smerch multiple rocket launchers, the Minister said: “If Azerbaijan strikes Stepanakert, corresponding measures will be taken.” he did not go into detail about the measures, but noted that the response would be incomparable.

Referring to the losses the NKR Defense Army sustained during the April war, Minister Mnatsakanyan said: “Who says the losses were great? Of course, every loss is important to us, we deem any loss unacceptable. The military actions are cruel in the respect that they lead to human and material losses. Therefore, it is unacceptable to give any assessment as to whether the number of losses was great or not.” He added that “the losses of the Azeri side were several times greater than ours, even considering that they used the unexpectedness factor and elite military units. That’s why I consider that the NKR Defense Army has coped with its task with honor and valor. The rival has understood that all its aggressive steps are doomed to fail in the future.”

“We lost some positions as we did not expect attacks all along the line of contact,” he said, adding that “it actually did not affect the capacities of the Defense Army.” “The troops fulfill their task at the frontline. Of course, it would be better had we not lost the posts. However, in the short period of time we had before the ceasefire, we regained considerable part of the positions. Should the military actions continue, we’ll have broader opportunities. Nevertheless, I don’t think the losses are irretrievable. I believe we’ll still have a chance to regain our lost positions,” Minister Mnatsakanyan said.

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