Statement by the Leader of the Official Opposition New Democratic Party of Canada on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Statement by the Leader of the Official Opposition New Democratic Party of Canada on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide –
One hundred years ago this year, the world remained silent as over 1.5 million Armenians were subject to a genocide.
Today, we grieve for the lives that we lost, for the suffering of these men, women and children, and for the Armenian people as a whole.
Eleven years ago, the House of Commons passed – in solemn remembrance – a motion to “acknowledge the Armenian genocide of 1915 and condemn this act as a crime against humanity.”
Former New Democrat Leader Alexa McDonough was a sponsor of that motion.
Those horrible and infamous words, “Who after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” haunt us.
They remind us of our duty to remember, and also of our duty to insist that these historic realities be recognized by all for what they were; otherwise, these horrors will be repeated elsewhere.
Today, New Democrats continue to stand with the Armenian community to remember this dark period of our collective history.
This cannot be forgotten, nor can we forget the ongoing suffering of countless other genocides and atrocities against humanity.
Remembrance is the tie that binds us to our past – and it guides us for the challenges of the future.
On April 24th, let us remember, and re-commit ourselves to protecting human rights and promoting dignity for all people around the world.
Hon, Tom Mulcair, P.C., M.P. (Outremont)
Leader of the Official Opposition
New Democratic Party of Canada