Baroness Caroline Cox turns 80: A staunch supporter of self-determination for the Armenians of Karabakh
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On 6 July President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to the member of the UK House of Lords, Baroness Caroline Cox in connection with her 80th birthday.
The letter runs as following:
«Dear Baroness,
Let me congratulate You on behalf of the Artsakh people, the authorities and personally myself on Your glorious jubilee, the 80th birthday anniversary.
You have always stood by the Armenian nation, shared their pain and anguish, supported in every possible way our righteous struggle for freedom and independence, voiced against human rights abuses and violence. Due to Your efforts many people from all corners of the world learnt about Artsakh and obtained credible information on the Karabagh case.
The life You lead and Your entire activity deserve upper estimate and could be reckoned among the best manifestations of love for mankind.
Thank You for Your allegiance and commitment to panhuman values and democratic principles, for Your long-standing fundamental and consistent work, for the heartfelt attitude and tender friendship You nourish towards Artsakh people.
I once again congratulate You and wish peace, robust health, success and all the best to You and all Your family and relatives».
Baroness Cox of Queensbury (UK) is a defender of human rights in the House of Lords, United Kingdom, as well as a prominent educationalist and author. Baroness Cox was created a Life Peer in 1982 and has been Deputy Speaker of the British Parliament’s House of Lords from 1985 to 2005.
She was Founder Chancellor of Bournemouth University; Chancellor of Liverpool Hope University from 2006-2013 and is an Hon. Vice President of the Royal College of Nursing. She was a founder Trustee of MERLIN Medical Emergency Relief International. Cox has been honoured with the Commander Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland; the Wilberforce Award; the International Mother Teresa Award from the All India Christian Council; the Mkhitar Gosh Medal conferred by the President of the Republic of Armenia; and the anniversary medal presented by Lech Walesa.
She has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Honorary Doctorates by universities in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Russian Federation and Armenia. As she states on page 174 of her biography she is a practising third-order Anglican Franciscan.
She has visited Artsakh more than 80 times.