Statement: Immediate action needed to implement important steps outlined in European Parliament resolution

The Committee for the Defense of the Fundamental Rights of the Artsakh People welcomes the initiative of the European Parliament, in point 14 of its resolution of March 12, confirming unequivocally the right of the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Armenians to return to their homeland under international presence. The aforesaid committee noted this in a statement, which continues as follows:
“The Parliament’s firm call underlines the reality that the security and safety of the Artsakh Armenians cannot be guaranteed without international presence and protection. Consistent with the formulation announced in the resolution and the orders of the International Court of Justice, the Committee stands ready to engage in an internationally-mandated process that ensures the return of the Artsakh Armenians to their homeland under international protection, in a manner that is secure, dignified, and respects their right to self-determination.
The right of the Artsakh Armenians to return to their homeland under international protection is not a negotiable stance but a mandate grounded in the fundamental principles of human rights and international law.
Contrary to Azerbaijan’s unconstructive response to the resolution, the Parliament’s engagement on this issue is not only warranted and welcome but crucial and consequential. The European Parliament’s stance here underscores the indispensable role of international oversight in ensuring the safe and dignified return of the Artsakh Armenians to their native homeland, as well as in safeguarding Armenian religious and cultural heritage that is now subject to daily demolition and desecration.
It is imperative that an international mechanism and format be established immediately to address the fundamental rights of the Artsakh people. We call upon Member States and international bodies to actively work to remedy the ongoing deprivation of the fundamental rights and prevent the ultimate destruction of the indigenous Artsakh people, and we urge EU institutions, including the EU Executive, to take immediate action to implement the important steps outlined in the Resolution.
Forced displacement cannot be legitimized as a method of conflict resolution. Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, and cooperating with international efforts to ensure peace and justice, is the only path to genuine reconciliation and a sustainable peace.”
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