Iran opens trade center in Yerevan

The opening of the Iranian trade center in Yerevan is another important step in the development of economic and trade relations between friendly countries, Armenia’s Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan said during the opening ceremony of the Iranian trade center in Yerevan.

Attending the opening ceremony were Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade of the Republic of Iran Seyyed Mohammad Atabak, Deputy Minister Narek Hovakimyan, Trade Attaché of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Iran Vardan Kostanyan, Member of the National Assembly, Member of the Armenia-Iran Friendship Group Narek Babayan, businessmen, heads of industrial centers and other persons from Iran and Armenia.

The project has been implemented with financing from the Iranian side. “Armenia highly values ​​the cooperation with Iran and the economic presence in Armenia, the opening of this center is another important step in the development of economic and trade relations between friendly countries,” the Minister noted.

More than 100 Iranian companies are represented on an area of ​​about 18,000 square meters, where consumers and businessmen can buy Iranian goods directly from the manufacturer.

The area includes 107 exhibition booths of various sizes, a conference room for business (B2B) meetings and an open space for holding events and festivals. The opening of the trade center will greatly contribute to increasing the level of trade between Armenia and Iran and strengthening Armenian-Iranian business ties.

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