Belgian and French politicians and public figures condemn establishment of Azerbaijani checkpoint in Lachin corridor

(Armradio) – With the support of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), thirty-two Belgian and French politicians and public figures have adopted a statement condemning the installation of an illegal checkpoint by Azerbaijan and the double blockade of the people of Artsakh

“We condemn Azerbaijan’s installation of a checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor, which deepens the humanitarian crisis in Artsakh and worsens the fragile security of the region. We hereby call on the government of Azerbaijan to fulfill its obligations, immediately open the Lachin Corridor, remove the checkpoint, stop the hostile policy against the native Armenian population of Artsakh and act as a responsible member of the international community,” the signatories say.

EAFJD Chairman Gaspar Karapetyan responded to the initiative by stating: “I highly appreciate similar initiatives by political and public figures who enjoy respect in political and public circles in Belgium and France. This is a civil tool that forces European countries and the EU executive to keep this issue on the agenda and take concrete steps in this direction.”

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