Australian Federal Liberal Party adopt National Armenian Genocide Policy
The organizational wing of the Liberal Party of Australia has officially adopted a party policy that, among other things, condemns the genocide of the Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks and calls for the Commonwealth Government to officially recognize the genocides, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia.
The motion was spearheaded by the Young Liberal Movement of Australia President, Mr Dimitry Chugg-Palmer, who was present at the 2023 Federal Council, the organisational wing’s highest forum for debating Federal policies. Due to time constraints, the motion was referred to the Liberal Party’s Advisory Committee on Federal Policy in 2023, where an overwhelming number of attendees voted in favour of the motion.
ANC-AU Executive Director Michael Kolokossian thanked the Federal Young Liberal President Dimitry Chugg-Palmer for his steadfast support and readiness to advance the interests of Armenian-Australians.
“This is a mammoth step for recognition of the Armenian Genocide in Australia. Whilst the views of the Federal Council are not binding on the party’s parliamentary wing, it sends a clear and strong message to elected Liberal parliamentarians that the organization’s 80,000 members and over 2,000 branches believe the party should stand on the right side of history and recognize the Armenian Genocide.”
The Liberal Federal Council now join the state Parliaments of New South Wales (1997), South Australia (2009), Tasmania (2023), the Australian Greens, and several other state and territory Labor and Liberal Party branches in formally adopting a policy on the Armenian Genocide.
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