US does not want to see any steps that would escalate tensions: State Department on situation in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter
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The US does not want to see the Government of Israel take any steps that would escalate tensions, US Department of State Spokesperson Matthew Miller said, asked to comment on the situation in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem.
At a press briefing on Wednseday, Miller was asked to respond to the concerns expressed by top authorities in the Armenian Quarter that the Israeli Government was using the conflict in Gaza to push out a lot of Armenian Christians from the Armenian Quarter.
“No specific response to that. But as we have said on a number of occasions, we do not want to see the Government of Israel take any steps that would escalate tensions,” Miller responded.
Several priests, students of the Armenian Theological Academy and indigenous Armenians were seriously injured in a massive attack on the Armenian community on December 28.
Over 30 armed provocateurs in ski-masks with lethal and less-than-lethal weaponry including powerful nerve-agents that incapacitated dozens of clergy broke into the grounds of the Cow’s Garden and began their vicious assault.
The Armenian Patriarchate called on the Israeli Government and Police to start an investigation against Danny Rothman (Rubenstein) and George Warwar (Hadad) for organizing their continuous criminal attacks on the Armenian Patriarchate and Community.