Minister Joly announces contribution to European Union Mission in Armenia

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

Canada is following the situation on the ground in Armenia very closely and is committed to working with allies to help uphold peace and stability in the region. In this regard, the European Union (EU) is playing an important role to foster peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, including through the recently-launched EU Mission in Armenia, which seeks to contribute to stability in the border areas of Armenia, build confidence and human security in conflict affected areas, and ensure an environment conducive to the normalisation efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan supported by the EU.

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that Canada has been accepted by the EU as a third-party contributor to the mission. In the coming months, Canada will be identifying Canadian candidates for the EU mission recruitment process, and is prepared to deploy up to 2 experts to contribute to the mission’s critical mandate.

As we seek more opportunities to engage with partners who are already making significant contributions on the ground, Canada will also be expanding its diplomatic presence in Armenia. Active preparations are currently underway towards opening a full embassy with a resident ambassador in Armenia in fall 2023.

Canada supports a comprehensive, negotiated political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the continuation of dialogue between the parties towards promoting confidence-building measures. Canada is encouraged with the current engagement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and supports the ongoing efforts of the EU and the United States in facilitating dialogue.


“Canada is committed to supporting a peaceful political solution to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, and ensuring stability in the region. That is why we are increasing our footprint in the region and working with our closest allies to help build confidence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

– Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Quick facts

  • Canada’s participation in the European Union’s Mission in Armenia would mark the 13th time Canada makes a contribution to a European Union civilian or military Common Security and Defence Policy mission. Other previous contributions include missions in Afghanistan, Mali, Ukraine, and the West Bank.
  • Last year, Minister Joly announced that Canada would further develop its relations with Armenia by opening an embassy in Yerevan, which will facilitate political and commercial ties between Canada and Armenia.
  • Canada has made relations with Armenia a priority, building on the important report prepared by Stéphane Dion, Ambassador to France and Special Envoy to the European Union and Europe, on Canadian support for Armenia’s democratic development.
  • The experts will be deployed by CANADEM and funded by a contribution agreement with Global Affairs Canada. Experts will be identified by CANADEM based on the European Union’s requirements and will then compete in a competitive process managed by the EU to obtain the positions.