Macron: Azerbaijan equipped itself militarily much more than Armenia

French President Emmanuel Macron has declared that in the past decade, Azerbaijan has equipped itself militarily much more than Armenia.

Macron made the remarks at the 4th European Political Community Summit in England on Thursday, July 18.

“The perspective of Armenia is peace, the perspective of France is peace, I do hope the perspective of Azerbaijan is peace. And if the two countries finalize a peace treaty, we will back such a treaty,” Macron told a press conference, according to tweets shared by French ambassador to Armenia Olivier Decottingnies.

Speaking about French weapons deliveries to Armenia, Macron said it is “normal” to answer the request of a sovereign country which wants to equip itself and feels “it can be attacked by another one”.

“If you look at the past decade, it seems that Azerbaijan did equip itself much more than Armenia. And if my memory is right, but correct me if I am wrong, Azerbaijan did launch a war, and a terrible one, in 2020”, he added.

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