Horizon Weekly participates in the activities of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

On Feb 10 2020, Senior Correspondent Nazeeg Haneshian alongside Jacques Varbedian and Ishkhan Ghazarian of Horizon Weekly, attended the monthly members’ meeting of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

There were approximately 60 members present at the meeting, who had a special opportunity to hear from the President of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada,Thomas Sarras, who shared updates and plans for the year ahead.

Members were provided a unique opportunity to hear from the Minister of Education, Honourable Stephen Lecce, who shared valuable insights on the current situation in the education system in Ontario. After which there was an opportunity for dialogue with Hon. Stephen Lecce, who responded to some questions. Member of Provincial Parliament of the Scarborough – Agincourt riding, Honourable Aris Babikian was also present who addressed concerns and provided his support.

The Horizon Weekly team looks forward to continue collaborating with fellow correspondents and journalists from the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

Photo by Ishkhan Ghazarian

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

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