Armenia denies Azerbaijani reports on military build-up

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan continues to disseminate disinformation, alleging that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia are actively mobilizing and moving personnel, armored vehicles, artillery, and other weaponry in various directions along the border, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Additionally, the Azerbaijani MoD has released edited videos depicting engineering, fortification, and construction activities on defense infrastructure carried out in recent months in the rear of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, trying to present them as intensive activities and troop build-ups along the front lines in the last few days.

“Implementation of engineering works within the sovereign territory of Armenia is the exclusive sovereign right of the Republic of Armenia. These activities are purely of defensive nature and are aimed at safeguarding the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia,” the Defense Ministry said.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia says the operational situation along the Armenia-Azerbaijan state border is stable. Consequently, the Ministry does not perceive the necessity to implement additional measures for border protection. Therefore, the information regarding troop concentration is not reflective of the current reality, it says.

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