ANCC Responds to Outrageously Biased Tweet by the Canadian Embassy

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

Earlier today, we learned that the Canadian Embassy in Ankara published a tweet, rejecting the results of the fair and free elections held in Artsakh on March 31st, 2020.

ANCC immediately responded to this outrageously biased tweet and has been in contact with departmental officials, requesting further clarification on the matter and urging the embassy to retract the tweet immediately.

In a response published via social media channels, the ANCC said the following;

“We are extremely disappointed and outraged by the Canadian Embassy’s statement on the fair and democratic elections held in Artsakh. The principle of self-determination, enshrined the in the Helsinki Final Act, must be unconditionally upheld in any conflict settlement and these elections are a powerful and remarkable testament to that principle of utmost importance. Failing to realize this is what will impede a constructive peace process. THE FREE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CANNOT BE IGNORED FOR THE SAKE OF A FAMILY-RUN PETRO-DICTATORSHIP LIKE AZERBAIJAN!”

We will continue to engage with departmental officials at Global Affairs Canada and with other contacts to voice our concern and rectify the matter.

In the meantime, we urge you to visit our social media accounts and sharing the message that has been shared.

For our statement on the General Elections, click here.

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

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