South Ossetian parliament to discuss Armenian Genocide recognition

South Ossetian parliament to discuss Armenian Genocide recognition –

PanARMENIAN.Net – Recognition of the Armenian Genocide will be discussed in the South Ossetianparliament, Sputnik News reports.

“We regret that South Ossetia has not yet recognized the Armenian Genocide,” speaker Anatoliy Bibilov said. “The issue being on the parliament’s agenda, it is necessary to address the crime committed in the Ottoman Empire and condemn denialist policies,” said Bibilov.

While world powers are guided by opportunistic interests in this matter, South Ossetia never questions the historical truth, he said. “Guided by the principles of historical justice and preservation of historical memory, it is important to acknowledge the atrocities and massacres, committed against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.”

According to Bibilov, the question of the Armenian Genocide recognition has acquired a new meaning in view of Turkey’s downing of a Russian bomber.

“I think that the only adequate response to the incident, along with a set of other retaliatory steps, will be the Genocide recognition,” the speaker said.

He also noted that South Ossetia does not need to fear deterioration of relations with Turkey, as such relations virtually don’t exist. The same is true about Azerbaijan, he stressed.

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