Armenian Genocide Centennial referred in declaration adopted by Catholicos Aram I, Assyrian and Coptic Church leaders

Armenian Genocide Centennial referred in declaration adopted by Catholicos Aram I, Assyrian and Coptic Church leaders –

Horizon Weekly Newspaper

ARMENPRESS – His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos, as well as the spiritual leader of the Coptic Church, His Holiness Tavatros II, Patriarch and spiritual leader of the Assyrian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Afram II, Patriarch had a meeting in Cairo. The meeting was part of the consolidation of the spiritual leaders of the “Non-Chalcedonian” Eastern Orthodox sister churches that had their center in the Middle East 20 years ago, as posted on the official website of the Catholicosate of Cilicia.

The goal of the structure established at the initiative of the Supreme Patriarch is to help establish cooperation between the Armenian, Assyrian and Ghpti Churches in the Middle East. An executive committee and subcommittees have been established for organizing inter-ecclesiastical partnership. The executive committee has submitted a report to the spiritual leaders, after which they have adopted a declaration.

The declaration touches upon the situation in the Middle East, condemns the actions of members of extremist movements against innocent people and particularly Christian communities, as well as emphasizes the importance of the Muslim-Christian coexistence hinged on mutual respect and confidence and the importance of strengthening the unity of the Eastern and Orthodox Churches.

The declaration also touches upon the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and the canonization of the 1.5 million Armenian martyrs and calls on the Churches to participate in the major events.

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