Turkish army launches operations in Bingöl and Dersim

Turkish army launches operations in Bingöl and Dersim –

ANF – Turkish army has launched air supported operations in Cudi Mountain region in Şırnak, Kiğı and Yedisu area in Bingöl and rural areas in Pülümür district of Dersim.

The operation in Deresor and Deredevş areas near Cudi Mountain is also being joined by village guards from Görümlü (Bespin) and Çalışkan (Qite) towns in Şırnak’s Silopi district.

According to the information obtained from local sources, preparations for the mentioned operation have already been going on for the last two days. No reports of clashes have been received yet.

Two other air supported military operations have been launched in Kelxaç and İlbey valleys in the rural areas of Kiğı and Yedisu region in Bingöl, and in the rural areas of Pîrêxanika in Dersim’s Pülümür district.

Local sources report that the continuous aerial bombardment in Pülümür region has started fire in some areas. Special operation teams have reportedly been air dropped into the region.

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