Turkey Erases Traces of Armenian Genocide in Urfa

Skyline of modern day Urfa, Turkey which is referred to as Sanliurfa. (Source: Damien Halleux Radermecker)

Skyline of modern day Urfa, Turkey which is referred to as Sanliurfa. (Source: Damien Halleux Radermecker)

URFA (PanArmenian.Net) — Turkey plans to turn the Sanliurfa-based orphanage of Deliller Hani (House of proofs), later renamed to Millet Hanı (Public House) into a trade center, Ermenihaber.am reports.

According to Turkish media publications, Deliller Hani served as a concentration camp for a brief period of time during the Armenian Genocide, having been later turned into an orphanage.

Numerous Armenian children found shelter in the orphanage since Urfa became their last stop during the heinous massacres of 1915.

The building was first given to the Ministry of Tourism, but was later passed on to the provincial administration department to allegedly serve as a museum.

With another proposal of turning the building into a 5 star hotel also failing, the government has pledged to convert the orphanage into a trade center.

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