French Resistance hero Missak Manouchian’s bust unveiled in Avignon, France

French Resistance hero Missak Manouchian’s bust unveiled in Avignon, France –

Armradio – The bust of Missak Manouchian, National Hero of France, who participated in the Resistance Movement in France, was solemnly opened in Perdiguier Central Park of Avignon, France.

Attending the event were the Mayor of Avignon, Cécile Helle, Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Marseille Samvel Lalayan, President of the Armenian-French Cultural Association of Avignon Véronique Bruna-Mardoyan, Members of French Senate and National Assembly, author of the sculpture Marcella Kratz, representatives of local and regional governments, political and public figures, clergymen and French Armenians.

Mayor Cécile Helle presented the Missak Manouchian’s glorious path, emphasizing the respect and love he earned in France in response to his contribution to the anti-Fascist struggle.

Consul Samvel Lalayan referred to the friendly relations between Armenia and France, the effective cooperation between the Armenian community and the local authorities of Avignon.

The ceremony was followed by the screening of Robert Guédiguian’s film “The Army of Crime” (L’Armée du crime), dedicated to Manouchian and his group.

The event was widely covered in the local press.

Missak Manouchian was an Armenian Genocide survivor and leader of 23 resistance fighters during World War II in France.

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