Relics from Der Zor to be placed in Genocide monument of Stepanakert

Relics from Der Zor to be placed in Genocide monument of Stepanakert – 

ARMENPRESS – The events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide in the NagornoKarabakh Republic are not only limited by commemorating. Events, conferences, cultural and political meetings are to be held throughout the year. In an interview with “Armenpress” David Babayan, the Spokesman of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic President, stressed that in the mid-April the opening ceremony of monument-bell tower, which is dedicated to the victims of Armenian Genocide, will be launched in the capital of Karabakh.

 “The monument-bell tower is a unique structure and will become the most important memorial which is dedicated to the centenary of Armenian Genocide. The relics brought from Deir ez-Zor will be buried in the foundation of the bell tower, which has given us by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. The bell tower will become a place, where people of Artsakh will come and will pay their tribute,” David Babayan stated.

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