Turkish historian speaks about Armenian Property Confiscation after the Armenian Genocide

Turkish historian speaks about Armenian Property Confiscation after the Armenian Genocide –

Mediamax.am – Turkish historian Mehmet Polatel presented his “Seizure of Armenian Property during Armenian Genocide and after it” study at the American University of Armenia (AUA).

 Mehmet Polatel studies late Ottoman history and early period of the Turkish Republic. He is currently working on his Ph.D. thesis at Bogazici University. 

Here are some of Mehmet Polatel’s Ideas.

“I believe the seizure of the Armenian property during the Genocide and after is an important subject both in academic study and political terms. Despite the continuous policy of destruction, the Armenian property and realty are the evidence of rich Armenian heritage and communal culture in Turkey. The future of the Armenian property and the study of its confiscation have pivotal significance in forming an idea about the integrity of the Armenian Genocide and its implications”.

“The policy of denial has destroyed a number of documents verifying the property of Armenians and kept in the archives of the Ottoman Empire. And the archives that were preserved are not open to researchers”. 

“The seized Armenian property was being handed over to immigrants, those who had returned from the Balkan War or to Muslim businessmen or was being used for state needs. The Armenian property, for instance, churches, schools and other institutions, served as arsenal, police stations or hospitals in the future”. 

“The seizure of the Armenian property was carried out on both state and individual levels. Governmental bodies, local authorities as well as individuals, particularly, the neighbors of Armenians, were involved in it”.

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