It’s Amal versus the genocide-deniers: Mrs Clooney leads Euro-court fight for Turkish MP

It’s Amal versus the genocide-deniers: Mrs Clooney leads Euro-court fight for Turkish MP –

It’s Amal versus the genocide-deniers: Mrs Clooney leads Euro-court fight for Turkish MP to be prosecuted for calling death of 1.5million Armenians ‘a lie’

  • Amal Clooney represent Armenia in European Court of Human Rights
  • Armenia challenges ECHR appeal of Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek
  • Perinçek found guilty in 2008 of denying the 1915 Armenian genocide
  • The 1915 genocide saw 1.5m Armenians slaughtered by Ottoman Turks

Daily Mail – Amal Clooney is set to represent Armenia in a high-profile case against a Turkish politician who denies that the 1915 genocide, when up to 1.5million Armenians were slaughtered, ever took place.

Mrs Clooney will advise the Eurasian country as they challenge the appeal of Doğu Perinçek, who was found guilty by a Swiss court in 2008, of denying the Armenian genocide.

The 36-year-old human rights lawyer and her head of chambers, Geoffrey Robertson QC, arrived at the appeal hearing before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg today.

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Legal representative: Amal Clooney, and Geoffrey Robertson, QC of Doughty Street Chambers, arrive for the at the European Court of Human Rights  in Strasbourg

Legal representative: Amal Clooney, and Geoffrey Robertson, QC of Doughty Street Chambers, arrive for the at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

In court: Mrs Clooney is representing Armenia as they challenge the appeal of Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek, who denies that the 1915 Armenian genocide ever took place

In court: Mrs Clooney is representing Armenia as they challenge the appeal of Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek, who denies that the 1915 Armenian genocide ever took place

Appeal: Mrs Clooney will advise Armenia as they challenge the European Court of Human Right's ruling that the freedom of speech of Doğu Perinçek, who was found guilty by a Swiss court in 2008, was violated

Appeal: Mrs Clooney will advise Armenia as they challenge the European Court of Human Right’s ruling that the freedom of speech of Doğu Perinçek, who was found guilty by a Swiss court in 2008, was violated

Doğu Perinçek the leader of the Turkish Workers Party was fined by a Swiss court in 2008 after calling the 1915 genocide an ‘international lie’, during a visit to Switzerland.

Mr Perinçek later appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled that Switzerland had violated his right to free expression in December 2013.

His appeal is now being challenged by Armenia, who argues that denying the 1915 genocide is a crime on par with Holocaust denial.

The Armenians also says that the European Court of Human Rights’s ruling on Mr Perinçek’s 2013 appeal contains legal and factual errors.

This April marks the 100th anniversary of the massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks.

High profile: In the past, Mrs Clooney has represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko

High profile: In the past, Mrs Clooney has represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko

Mrs Clooney and Geoffrey Robertson, QC, were present at the inital hearing in the Preincek vs Switzerland case at the European Court of Human Rights in the eastern French city

Mrs Clooney and Geoffrey Robertson, QC, were present at the inital hearing in the Preincek vs Switzerland case at the European Court of Human Rights in the eastern French city

Mrs Clooney was seen wearing both her diamond eternity wedding band, and her engagement ring

Mrs Clooney was seen wearing both her diamond eternity wedding band, and her engagement ring

When asked about fashion, Mrs Clooney joked that she was wearing robe maker Ede & Ravenscroft

When asked about fashion, Mrs Clooney joked that she was wearing robe maker Ede & Ravenscroft

Top lawyer: Mrs Clooney is a barrister with Doughty Street Chambers in London, specialising in human rights, international law, and extradition

Top lawyer: Mrs Clooney is a barrister with Doughty Street Chambers in London, specialising in human rights, international law, and extradition

Genocide denial: Turkish Workers Party leader Doğu Perinçek claims that he has the right to deny the Armenian genocide under freedom of expression

Genocide denial: Turkish Workers Party leader Doğu Perinçek claims that he has the right to deny the Armenian genocide under freedom of expression

Never forget: An undated photograph shows men standing behind a mass grave containing the remains of Armenian victims slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks during the 1915 genocide

Never forget: An undated photograph shows men standing behind a mass grave containing the remains of Armenian victims slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks during the 1915 genocide

The killings in 1915 are regarded by many historians as the first genocide of the 20th century, and are said to have inspired Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.


Amal’s boss, Geoffrey Robertson QC, is founder and head of Doughty Street Chambers.

He has argued many landmark human rights cases in British and Commonwealth Courts and the European Court of Human Rights.

He has defended several high-profile clients, including Salman Rushie and Julian Assange, and taken part in proceedings against General Augusto Pinochet

Mr Robertson is also the author of two books on the 1915 genocide, ‘Was there an Armenian Genocide?’, published in 2009, and ‘An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians?’, out last year.

Turkey rejects the term ‘genocide,’ says the death figure is inflated and that people died on both sides as the Ottoman Empire collapsed amid World War I.


Mrs Clooney is a barrister with the London chamber, specialising in human rights, international law, and extradition.

She speaks three languages fluently – English, French and Arabic – and has represented Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Last year, the accomplished lawyer advised Greece on how to get Britain to return the disputed Elgin Marbles. 

Mrs Clooney was part of a high profile legal team from London advising the Greek government on possible action in the international court to force the British Museum to hand over the marbles.


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