Turkish columnist uses the term “self-defense”, not “rebellion” for the battle of Musa Dagh

 The Turkish Gazeteduvar.com.tr has covered the story of the Armenians of Musa Dagh who took arms to defend themselves during the years of the Armenian Genocide, stating that this is one of the stories of the most impressive resistance movements of the 20th century.

Talking about the Armenian resistance of Musa Ler (Musa Dagh), Turkish columnist Soner Sert uses the word “self-defense”, not the term “rebellion”, which is accepted in official historiography in Turkey.

Sert also stressed that what happened to the Armenians in the early 20th century was genocide and that it had begun with the perpetration of different massacres back in the late 19th century.

The author also states that the Armenians of Adana received the first blow in the district of the Armenians of Cilicia.

The Turkish columnist states that even though the Armenians were not armed well during the resistance of Musa Ler, one of the reasons why the Armenians managed to resist an entire government army for a long time was because the weather was favorable and the locals had the opportunity to benefit from the goods, writes tert.am.

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