Billboard supporting peace in Artsakh goes up in Massachusetts
Billboard supporting peace in Artsakh goes up in Massachusetts –
Armradio – The Peace of Art, Inc. has installed a billboard dedicated to Artsakh in Massachusetts.
One of the seven digitals billboards of this year, which were dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was replaced by a new message “Support Peaceful Solutions to the Current Conflict in Artsakh” with a web address “” directing to the official website of the government of Artsakh, where there are links to make money transfers to accounts “, explained “Peace of Art, Inc.,” president Daniel Varoujan Hejinian.
Note that the remaining six digital billboards dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be up on following Massachusetts highways; Rte. 1, Lynnway; Rte. 1, Malden; Rte. 495, Haverhill:
All seven digital billboards will remain until the end of April.