Armenian church in Urfa to be renovated

Armenian church in Urfa to be renovated –

Tert – Situated 10 kilometers from the provincial center of Urfa, the Armenian church standing at the top of the Germush mountains resists the challenges of time, the Turkish publication Star reports.

The website quotes Aydin Arslan, a candidate for the head of the local tourism department, as saying that activities are now under way to make the place of warship a tourist attraction site.

A recently submitted renovation plan is expected to be implemented in the near future.

“Archaeological excavations are going to be carried out on the territory,” Arslan added.

A 85-year-old former district governor, Mansur Ozdemir, said that despite his efforts to protect the church and the neighboring constructions, the site was often became the target of treasure hunters who time and again dug holes damaging the church.

Ozdemir added that the district previously had many Armenian families who later preferred to leave for Syria to be close to their loved ones.

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